
40 Results / Page 2 of 5


Mobelizer was born and lived in Germany for 16 years. This is where his thirst and influence for Electronic music comes from. With House music and Techno on the German mainstream TV and radio, Mobelizer became absorbed by everything in this genre.

Lenny Fontana

Lenny Fontana

Lenny Fontana a true New Yorker learned his craft from Radio personality DJ Frankie Crocker, the program director of WBLS 107.5 in NYC. Inspired by DJ Larry Levan, Fontana went on to play at Studio 54 in the late ’80s and other NYC clubs.

J Paul Getto

J Paul Getto

With a repertoire of guaranteed floor fillers, J Paul Getto, can now be crowned the new minister of funk. J Paul Getto started as a duo in 2010. A collaboration between Tony Saputo and Maurice Tamraz until early 2013.

Lars Behrenroth

Lars Behrenroth

From his early days DJing at a local dance school in Germany to headlining a 25,000 people music festival in South Africa. 31 years later, he has been moving dance floors all over the world.



Defining house and disco with pure advocacy, Husky holds acclaim in his craft, eliminating electronic music boundaries with signature originals to collaborative efforts with Sandy Rivera.

Chewy Vega

Chewy Vega

A DJ, Producer, and mixmaster, Chewy Vega started when he was 15 years old. Within a few short years, Chewy Vega made a name for himself by sharing the decks with internationally renowned DJs.

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